Burkina FasoRegional Planning Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Specialist

Michael Bognini

Michael has a strong academic background in the field of international cooperation and humanitarian aid. Prior to this, he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Gender, Population, and Development from the Pan-African Institute of Development /Sahel region of West Africa. He is also a certified Technician in Livestock and Animal Health from the National School of Livestock and Animal Health.

Before joining Agriterra, Michael held key positions in monitoring and evaluation. He worked as a MEAL Senior Project Officer for the PATRIP Burkina Côte d'Ivoire project with Catholic Relief Services and served as a MEAL Officer for the PASANAD (Food Security and Nutrition Support Program) project at Save The Children. Prior to that, he worked with Action Against Hunger as Deputy Head of the Food Security and Livelihoods Program and as a Project Manager for Food Security and Livelihoods Monitoring.

He is also a specialist in remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems, which has enabled him to produce several information bulletins on pastoral resources in the eastern region of Burkina Faso for Action against hunger as part of the pastoral surveillance project, based on the analysis of satellite data and biomass maps.



Jansbuitensingel 7
6811 AA Arnhem
The Netherlands

+31 (0)26 44 55 445